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My Philosophy

The idea for Wonderfully Made Nutrition comes from Psalm 139:14, which says, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." We have all been created equally with intricate design, so why would we not care for ourselves? Balanced nutrition is important to do this and maintain a happy, healthy life.

With this in mind, I take an all foods fit approach to nutrition and aim to help guide people by making nutrition knowledge available to people of all shapes and sizes.

Looking for a registered dietitian to work with? 

Check out Huntsville Nutrition Collective where I work with some awesome colleagues. 


General Nutrition Education | Food Allergies | Cancer | Eating Disorders | Weight Concerns  |  Mindful and Intuitive Eating | Diabetes | Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Nutrition | Celiac Disease | GI Issues | Chronic Disease | Gut Health | Pediatric Feeding Concerns | Baby Led Weaning | Failure to Thrive

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