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What Does Healthy Eating Look Like?

It’s back to the diet, and you’ve skipped breakfast, had a bowl of veggies for lunch, and for dinner, you’re planning a salad with cucumber, tomatoes, and a small sprinkle of cheese- low fat dressing if you’re being really devious. Fast forward to the weekend. It’s your cheat day, and you’ve had donuts for breakfast, a burger and fries for lunch, and for dinner, you have steak, potatoes, and chocolate cake planned. See anything wrong with BOTH of these examples?

Enjoying food without feelings of deprivation

With all of the blessings we have in America, for most of us, food can be enjoyed. Proverbs 24:13 says, “My son, eat honey because it is good, and the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste;” That gives me permission to enjoy food, if it’s available to me. If we restrict certain foods and don’t enjoy the food we’re eating, it can lead to feelings of deprivation. This feeling of deprivation drives us to overconsume the foods we feel deprived around. There was a time in my life where salad greens weren’t agreeing with me, and I craved them. I was so sad because I knew if I ate it, I wouldn’t feel good. Another time in my life, I was avoiding desserts. As soon as I gave myself permission to eat them again, I ate wayyy too much. This is the power of deprivation.

Paying attention to hunger/fullness cues

If we’re hungry, we need to eat! This is part of what keeps us alive and functional, and when eating in a healthy manner, we are able to function more optimally. Avoiding food when we’re hungry often leads to overeating. We see a caveat to eating in Proverbs 25:16, which says, “Have you found honey? Eat only what you need,

So that you do not have it in excess and vomit it.” It’s important to nourish your body, so you can function well. No one wants to feel the uncomfortable fullness that makes you nauseous.

Balancing Macros

Balanced macronutrients is an important part of healthy eating, and eliminating one or more can have negative health consequences. If you don’t have fat, how will you absorb fat soluble vitamins. If you don’t’ have protein, how do you build muscle tissues, without carbs, your brain has to compensate by taking protein and turning it into carbs. This isn’t a great idea because of all the excess nitrogen your kidneys have to filter. At every meal, it’s idea to get all three to keep your body functioning well.

Incorporating the Essential Elements

Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are three essential elements. Your body also needs these to function optimally and help prevent diseases. If you have any vitamin or mineral deficiency, there’s a good chance you’ll have a problem, whether it’s extreme fatigue and heart palpitations or trouble with vision. Antioxidants are important because they neutralize unstable atoms in the body, helping to prevent many diseases. These special elements are going to be found in your fruits and vegetables, which renders these important as well.

Going back to those two very different days of eating, we see that neither are optimal. With the day full of veggies, it’s important to add all the macros and make sure you’re eating them in a way that you enjoy them. On the day of eating the heavier foods, make sure to get in some of the foods with the Essential Elements that are going to help keep your body fighting disease, and with both days, always pay attention to hunger/fullness cues!

Healthy eating looks different for everyone. If you have health concerns, it’s best to meet with a Registered Dietitian to discuss what healthy eating looks like for you.

By Kyla Sullivan


Holman Bible Publishers. (2016). Proverbs 24:13. In The holy bible: NKJV new king James Version. essay.

Hendrickson Publishers Inc. (2007). Proverbs 25:16. In NASB bible. essay.

Barazesh, S. (2008, August 18). Probing question: How do antioxidants work? Penn State University. Retrieved February 2022, from,immune%20system%20%2C%22%20explains%20Prabhu.

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